Minutes of the Charsfield Parish Council Meeting held in Charsfield Village Hall on Tuesday 6th. November, 2012 at 7.00p.m.

 Those present

Councillors:  Mrs J Pedgrift, Mrs D Murray, Mr A Reeve, Mr P Holloway, Mr E Winkworth, Mr R Wright, Mrs F Moor

County Councillor: Mr P Bellfield

1 member of the public

Chairman – Mr E Winkworth

In attendance – Mr R E Osborne, Clerk to Parish Council

1.0    Informal discussion during which any member of the Parish may address the Parish Council 0n Matters relating to Charsfield. The Parish Council meeting will commence after this item.

2.0    Councillors Declaration of Interests

2.1    None

3.0    Apologies

3.1    District Councillor        Mr R Snell

4.0    To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th. September and 24 October, 2012

4.1    The minutes of the Parish  Council Meetings, having been circulated before this meeting, were taken as read and declared true copies. The Chairman signed the minute book.

5.0    Matters arising from both minutes.

5.1    Housing Survey – Arising from the meeting on 24 October there was a full discussion on the pros and cons of carrying out a survey. It became clear that with the current information available no clear decision could be agreed therefore the Clerk would provide additional information before the next meeting when this matter could be discussed again.

5.2    Housing information – It was agreed that information regarding the improvements that could be made to existing houses through grants etc.  and first time buyer grants could be a service that the Council could provide via  the newsletter.

5.3    Grit bins – Chairman had produced a map showing a possible site for forwarding to the Highways Department. Once the permission to site the bin the Clerk would provide details and costs of bins suitable for the site.

5.4    Bus shelter – The Clerk had investigated a number of commercial suppliers and found that the cheapest available was £1300 as a result the Council agreed not to pursue the purchase of a shelter as it was considered a sum such as this could be used on a item of greater value to the parish.

5.5    High Visibility Jackets – Mrs Pedgrift had volunteered that the high visibility jackets recently purchased would be kept for use in the village by her. Information as to their availability to be advertised to all groups in the village.

5.6    Register of Interests – Clerk to check with SCDC that they have details from all the councillors regarding their interests, any missing to be organised by the Clerk.

5.7    Telephone box – If offered the Council would have no interest in taking on responsibility for the kiosk un the BT £1 scheme where they would leave the box, less equipment, for the use of Charsfield.

5.8    Bottle Bank – There was no financial gain for keeping the facility

7.0    Any matters for the Police Community Officer

7.1    None, but it was noted that there had been several break ins in the local area.

8.0    Report from County Councillor

8.1    County Council had frozen their part of the Council Tax for another year. £26m savings have to be made for the coming year followed by a saving of £60m over the following 4 years.

8.2    Consultation are taking place on amalgamating the fire services of Cambridge, Peterborough and Ipswich.  Problems on the current funding methods of each service

8.3    Back Office of SCDC and Mid Suffolk currently have a contract with BT to provide Customer Service, this contract to be ceased and an alternative provider found.

8.4    New Heritage Service is being planned, no site determined yet but could be Ipswich or elsewhere.

         SCC have closed16 care homes, they will be replaced by private supplier who will build 10 new homes costing £60m with many extra beds available.

 9.0    Report from District Councillor

 9.1    None

 10.0  Finance

 10.1  Accounts to be paid

          BDO – external audit                                         144.00             100415

         ACRE – council insurance                                191.20             100416

         SALC – Councillor training                              117.60             100417

 10.2  Accounts paid since the last meeting

          Lees Flooring (village hall)                              900.00             100410            4/9/12

         Anglian Water (village hall)                            205.48             100411               4/9/12

         Clerk, salary July/September                           124.80             100412            4/9/12

         HM Revenue & Customs (salary tax)                21.20             100413            4/9/12

         Ladywell Accounting Services (salary)             25.00             100414            4/9/12

         Current Account    £4047.62          No.2 Account    £4545.27        Total    £8592.89

9.3    Consideration of precept for 20123 – 2014

 The Clerk had circulated a copy of a possible budget for discussion. It was noted that there were some items of expenditure which had not been allowed for in the current years precept. It was    agreed that in future a sum be included for councillor training. The No.2 account to be maintained      for capital expenditure including the village hall car park and traffic calming measures. To assist in    future deliberations the Clerk to obtain quotes for the completion of the surfacing of the car park.

 9.4    Consideration of training budget.

 Mrs Moor, as a new councillor, was interested in attending a training course at SALC at a cost of  £117.60 but currently there was no provision for the cost. The Council agreed the cost of the course and noted that in future an allowance was made in each precept for training.

         All items under Agenda 9.0 Finance were approved by the Parish Council

 10.0  Correspondence

 11.1  Items circulated via e mail.

          Weekly News Digest                                                  Suffolk Fire Service Consultation

Police & Crime Commissionaires Election              SALC information

SALC Training Courses                                             SCDC information

Bus Timetable changes                                                       NALC Bulletins                                           LAIS Documents                                                        Suffolk Coastal Area Meetings

Ash Dieback Disease                                                  Sizewell C information

12.0  Alan Pedgrift Memorial Field

12.1  Rabbit clearance was under way, silent shot gun being used. AGM 20th. November.

Query raised as to who requested the recently carried out safety check on all the equipment on the Recreation Ground, although addressed to the Council neither the Council or the Recreation Ground Committee had asked for its implementation.

 14.0  Planning

 14.1  Concern was shown over the building at Hill View. The height of the extension was appearing to be excessive in regard to the original property. The Chairman would check the plans and is there is a discrepancy the Clerk would lodge an objection with the SCDC that they should have been checking the building progress against permitted planning.

 15.0 Highways

 15.1  Telephone box – discussion as to its future as there is a strong possibility that BT will remove it due to its low useage.  Agreed to wait for the result of item put in local newsletter asking for  parishioners views before taking any action. Box could be taken over by the Council under the £1 scheme from BT.

 15.2  Road sign – The one at the junction of The Street and Church Road was of an old design and the Council were concerned about its current state and they confirmed that they wished, if possible, to take on the ownership of the sign. Currently it is leaning at an angle. Clerk will negotiate with the Highway Department to alleviate the leaning problem and confirm any arrangements that could be made regarding the Council’s interest in the sign.

 15.3  Silting – Problems of silting under the bridge at Brook Farm and Bridge Garage sites. Clerk to ascertain whose is the responsibility for action to get these problems cleared.

 16.0  Any other matters since notice of meeting.

 16.1  Hedgerow Survey – Noted that copies of the survey had been received, one copy will be placed in the Council cupboard in the village hall

17.0  Dates of next meetings – 8th. January 2013, setting of precept. March 5th.

Annual Meetings May 7th. 2013.