Annual Meeting of the Parish

In Charsfield Village Hall at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, 10th May 2016

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend






In order the Parish Council can be sure it is addressing the challenges of life in Charsfield and accurately representing the interests of the whole community we would like to encourage residents to come along, take part and find out more.





  1. Update on the Parish Council’s achievements and activity over the year and on what is being proposed for 2015.


  1. To approve the Annual Parish minutes of 15th May 2015.


  1. To receive reports from other organisations


  1. Open Forum for public to raise questions




Please contact the Clerk if you have something you think would be of interest and service to the residents of the village and to secure a display area in the hall for the event.



Clerk to the Parish Council

Pam Hembra Tel:  01473 737655
