Parish Councils are the smallest unit of local government and the closest to their electors. Councillors are elected and work to support and improve the area they represent. Charsfield Parish Council has 7 councillors. Councillors are elected for a period of four years and the next election will take place in 2027.
Who are my Parish Councillors?
The current Councillors are:
Jan Pedgrift janpedgrift@btinternet.com (Chair)
Cathy Laird CathyLaird@BTInternet.com
Fran Moor fran.moor@btinternet.com (Deputy Chair)
Edward Youngman Ed_Youngman@hotmail.co.uk
David Sharp Sharpd531@gmail.com
Mary-Jane McArthur mj@cimcarthur.co.uk
Sally Haird sallyhaird@gmail.com
Clerk to Parish Council, Pam Hembra CharsfieldParishCouncil@gmail.com 01473 737655
What does the Parish Council actually do?
The Parish Council is responsible for setting the precept. This is money that the Council receives to cover the cost of the services it provides and any staff costs. The precept is one element of the Council Tax householders pay. The Council employs a clerk to oversee its day to day affairs.
The Council is consulted on planning applications within the village.
The Council is responsible for some property in the village including the village sign, notice board, grit heaps, Fido bins, telephone box and driver feed back signs.
The Council acts as a link with other local government organisations like East Suffolk Councils and Suffolk County Council. Any problems in the village such as blocked drains, potholes, issues over footpaths and highways are reported by the clerk.
Sign up for mailings from the Parish Council here
Parish Council Links: