Minutes of the Charsfield Parish Council Meeting held in Charsfield Village Hall on  Tuesday 1st., November 2011 at 7.00p.m.

Those present:  Councillors:  Mrs J Pedgrift, Mrs H Gray, Mr R Wright, Mrs D Murray, Mr E Winkworth, Mr P Holloway, Mr A Reeve, 4 Members of the public, District Councillor – Mr R Snell, County Councillor – Mr P Bellfield, District Councillor – Mr M Newton, PCSO – Christian Hassler

Chairman – Mr E Winkworth

In attendance – Mr R E Osborne, Clerk to Parish Council

1.0    Apologies


2.0    To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6 September, 2011.

2.1    The minutes of the Parish  Council Meeting, having been circulated before this meeting, were taken as read and declared true copies. The Chairman signed the minute book.

3.0    Matters arising from the minutes.

3.1    Notice board – problems with the door inserts. Mr.Holloway offered to help, perspex to be bought, £60 per sheet, purchase approved.

3.2    Bottle bank – Miss Spivey at SCDC had been contacted about the noise from bottles being deposited, the banks should have had a noise reducing material fitted but the wrong size had been supplied, replacements are awaited. Second bin has been supplied. Bins to have a notice fitted “No use before 8a.m.”

3.3    Traffic calming – Awaiting call from Highway Department, due to reorganisation staff were given choice of early retirement and two thirds took it so there are now some delays whilst staff settle in to their new posts.

4.0    Adjournment during which any member of the Parish may address the Parish Council on matters relating to Charsfield.

Agenda items 4.0 and 5.0 dealt with under 5.0

5.0    Any matters for the Police Community Officer.

5.1    Speeding vehicles. General discussion took place with the attending public. Police have been carrying out speed checks, these were carried out between 07.45 – 09.00 and 16.00 – 18.00. Total of 12,939 vehicles checked and 8,447 were recorded as over 30mph speed limit. 67 tickets were issued for speeding and there has been one summons to court.

5.2    Discussion on provision of 30mph roundels on roads. This became involved as to which roads should be considered. Eventually the Chairman proposed “That initially two roundels to be provided one each at entrance and exit to village”, seconded by Mr Reeve. Put to the vote, unanimous support.

For the next meeting costs of roundels, regulations regarding their siting and who bears the cost of maintenance and replacement if road works are carried out.

5.3    Again try to see if the variation of speed limits over a small length of the B1078 can be changed.

6.0    Report from County Councillor

Currently £42.5m savings made but another £50m have to made over next two years, consultations are under way. New CEO appointed. £10m from SCC and £11.7m from Government towards improved broadband by 2015. Consultation on mobile libraries, £7 per visit current cost, no static libraries to be closed.

7.0    Report from District Councillor

LDF proceeding, to Inspector in April, next stage September.  Autumn 2013 site specifics available.

Coast protection works are under way since funding has been obtained. Car park charges to Council at the end of the year, object to obtain more for tourists. Parking allowance to disabled to be cut.

8.0    Finance

8.1    Accounts to be paid

To No.2 Account – VAT                        2137.76                 100388

To No.2 Account – Yearly transfer                   800.00                 100389

Suffolk ACRE – PC Insurance                 166.73                 100390

Clerks expenses – 2010/2011                              24.60                 100391

8.2    Accounts paid since last meeting

Clerk salary – July/September                 124.00                 100383     6/9/11

Clerk salary tax                                         31.20                 100384     6/9/11

Anglian Water                                           56.00                 100385     6/9/11

SCDC election expenses                         100.00                 100386     6/9/11

Mr Winkworth, Parish Plan postage         11.28                 100387     6/9/11

Grass Solutions (3126)                                     618.00                 100034        6/9/11

8.3    Balance of accounts

Current Account 1/11/11 – £6,618.83               No.2 Account 1/11/11 – £1,680.93

Full details of all transactions to date were provided as an appendix to the minutes.

All items under Agenda 8.0 were approved by the Council.

9.0    Correspondence

9.1    Boundary Commission for England – 2013 review of Parliamentary constituencies in England.

There were no changes indicated for the Earl Soham ward.

9.2    SCDC – Restructure of Highways and Transport services.

East Area under Derek Oldham will continue to serve Charsfield

9.3    SCC – Revised bus services in Suffolk

Services to change at the end of October. Up to date details will be provided by e mail or 0845 606 6171.

9.4    NALC – e-learning course of “How to respond to planning applications’ will shortly be available at         www.ntselearning.co.uk.

PDF copy of the new guide from www.planninghelp.org.

9.5    E Mailed to Councillors

Clerk – Details of training for speed check volunteers and costings

SCDC – Details of dealing with Travellers

SCDC – Seminar, Dealing with difficult people

SCDC – Aldeburgh Hospital changes

Suffolk Preservation Society – Fire and Thatch

Cratfield PC – Windcrop Energy

Suffolk Foundation – Funding for community groups

SCDC – Budget consultation

SCDC – Library and Heritage reorganisation

SCDC – Provision of keep fit groups in village halls

SCDC – Proposed changes to car parks.

10.0  Alan Pedgrift Memorial Field

10.1 Working party to tidy up bank area. Continuation of fund raising. Some problems of vandalism. fire in waste bin, damage to lock on tennis court shed.

11.0  Parish Plan

11.1  Committee meeting needed to finalise booklet.

Arising from the Plan :-

British Gas to be contacted to ascertain possibility and cost of bringing a gas supply to Charsfield.

Investigate possibility of bus service to Wickham Market.

Letter to school asking that the problem of car parking outside the school be brought to the attention of the parents.

12.0 Planning

12.1  C11/1674 Brook Farm, Church Road – Addition of satellite dish to eastern aspect of the west chimney. Listed building consent.

Listed building consent was refused. The applicant was invited to contact SCDC in order for them to help to explore alternative locations for the satellite dish

13.0 Highways

13.1  Drain outside the Three Horseshoes, level had been checked and found correct. Jetting to be carried out.

13.2  Lay by outside 1&2 South View, new gulley to be provided.

13.3  Problem of incorrect siting of sand pile at Church Road, pile to be moved to a correct location and drain to be jetted.

14.0  Any other matters arising since notice of meeting.

14.1  None

15.0  Dates of next meetings.

15.1  January 3, 2012.

Meeting closed at 9.20p.m.