Meeting of Charsfield Parish Council

Tuesday 18th March 2014




Present: Cllrs P Holloway, F Moor, D Murray, J Pedgrift, E Winkworth (Chairman)

Attending: the Clerk and 9 members of the public


Minute numbers and Actions
1       Apologies: Cllrs A Reeve and R Wright, SCC Cllr P Bellfield, SCDC Cllr B Snell, PCSO C Hassler.


2       Declarations of Interest: There were none.


3       Points from the Public

3.1      Roundels

In response to a question the Clerk explained that SCC Highways Dept. had confirmed that the finance was resolved and the roundels and gateways would soon be ordered.

3.2      Footpath blockage

The footpath leading from the bridge over the Potsford Brook next to the Chapel Hall up to the B1078 was reported as being difficult to traverse due to many fallen trees in the copse at the B1078 end. The Clerk will report this to SCC Highways.

3.3      Village Sign

In response to a question the Chairman explained that the village road sign was with a restorer and would be replaced by SCC Highways when it was fully restored. (C2013028)















4       Minutes of meetings on 28th January and 28th February were approved and signed.


5       Matters Arising

5.1      Neighbourhood Plan

The Clerk reported that a meeting has been arranged with an SCDC representative for the Council to gather further information on all aspects of the plan.

It was reported that costs were not necessarily as much as had been touted as volunteers may help, saving professional costs, and SCDC fund the referendum.


5.2      Village Hall Car Park

The Clerk reported that the chosen contractors agreed to do the job for the best price quoted; that potential dates for the work were 16th and 17th April; and that Cllr Pedgrift had offered to place signage warning of the work.


5.3      Myrtle Cottage (C2014003)

Cllr Pedgrift had discussed the issue with the residents who reported the issue resolved.


5.4      Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (C2014010)

The current co-ordinator has agreed to continue in the post.



5.5      Joseph Kersey bench

It was reported that the Joseph Kersey charity are to install a bench on the Recreation Ground.


5.6      Flooding near the Chapel (C2014014)

The Clerk reported that the land was indeed owned by the Chapel; that they did therefore have responsibility for allowing water to flow through regardless of the source; and that a letter explaining this (and apologising for, and explaining, the delay in response) had been delivered but no reply had been received.





























6       Reports

6.1      County Councillor

Cllr Bellfield had intended to arrive late, after another parish council meeting, give his report and answer questions, then move on to another meeting, but did not arrive.






6.2      District Councillor

Cllr Snell was not present but had sent a report, which is will be filed with the minutes.

Cllr Pedgrift reported from the introductory meeting on the Community Enabling Budget that small villages were being grouped with towns and therefore, if they were to take a share of these funds, would have to exert all the influence available to them.




6.3      Police Report

PCSO Hassler was not present but had sent a report, listing 1 crime. A copy will be filed with the minutes.




6.4      Recreation Ground Committee

Funding has been gathered for the tarmacking of the footpaths, which will now go ahead.




6.5      Speeding Group

Volunteer representative Martin Lyne (ML) thanked the council for the invitation to take part in the group then proceeded to give a presentation on the group, highlights of which follow.

  • The group has no formal status; has representatives from Charsfield, Clopton and Debach, with interest shown from Leatheringham and Bealings; and has had three meetings so far.
  • The group’s focus is excess road speed and they will consider where any collective action may be beneficial and take ideas to their respective parish councils, with costs and possible sources of funding, then help with discussion results.
  • The group has gathered information on successful methods of speed reduction; explored the Police and Crime Commissioner’s plan for Suffolk, which may offer funding for the group’s proposals; and established where current and valid data on speeding exists from the local Safer Neighbourhoods Team.

The proposal for council consideration now is 30MPH speed limit stickers on wheelie bins which has had at least a perceived successful impact where it has been implemented in the Bealings. This would start with delivering a standard letter (approved by the parish council) being delivered to all households explaining the initiative, including drawings, and collation of responses. The group propose 2 stickers per household, for recycling and standard rubbish bins, which are expected to cost between 40p and 80p depending on the number ordered. Knocking on doors for responses is considered more effective and the group are hoping for assistance with this. The parish council wholeheartedly supported the proposal and the Chairman pointed out that the parish council have a team ready to help with knocking on doors.

It was suggested that the Community Enabling Budget may be a good source of funding for the stickers and ML should contact Cllr Snell.

In response to a question ML reported that Charsfield had current and valid data on speeding due to the survey carried out in 2011 which showed 67% of vehicles were travelling faster than the speed limit.

Martin was thanked for his report and contribution to the group.
































7       Planning:

7.1      DC/14/0574/FUL – – South Cottage, Chapel Lane: Erection of a two-storey rear and single-storey rear extensions. Additional dormer window to front elevation and alteration of existing dormer windows

The council resolved to support the application as the works will improve the current building. The Clerk will inform SCDC.








8       Finance

8.1      Required payments were approved.


8.2      Balance of Accounts as at 14/3/14

Current Account   £      350.84
Active Saver   £  11,545.27
Total   £  11,896.11
Including Village Projects reserve of   £    7,281.23


The Clerk reported that the NS&I money had been recovered and was included in the reported figures.












9       Correspondence

The Clerk’s correspondence report had previously been circulated.


9.1      Email regarding 28th February planning meeting agenda

The Chairman explained that the trees discussed where the subject of Tree Preservation Orders and therefore permission was required. The parishioner contrasted this with the loss of trees from the land around Springfield House. It was considered that this regrettable loss was due to deliberate action on the part of the developers to remove the trees without anyone being aware and resolved that the Chairman will appeal for parishioners to let the parish council know of any trees deserving of Tree Preservation Orders.

Confirmation was sought that the path across the field coming to the junction of Chapel Lane with The Street was not a full public right of way but merely a permissive footpath. The Council agreed that this was the case and it was reported that it has been registered as such with SCDC since 1995.The Chairman will confirm that there is no public footpath and that it is only permissive, in his report for the Benefice Magazine.

These discussions lead on to the Charsfield Footpaths Map, which needs updating and reprinting. A digital copy for the website will be researched.


9.2      Charsfield School federation proposal

The Clerk was asked to write in response to the consultation explaining the perceived lack of benefit from federation and the benefits of local governors.





9.3      Public meeting proposal regarding pre-application planning consultations

The council resolved not to change the current system, not to call public meetings for developers to address the village on proposed planning applications, and not to meet with developers for pre-application consultations.


9.4      Village Flower Show sponsorship request

The Chairman has been approached for sponsorship for this year’s show. The council agreed to donate £20 and request that one category is sponsored in the name of the council.






































10    Any Other Matters of information

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s survey regarding the Control Room merger was raised. The Chairman will inform the public in the benefice magazine.


It was reported that the concrete outlet into the Potsford Brook from the main sewage plant for Charsfield and Dallinghoo was being undermined due to the recent high volumes of water. The Clerk will inform Anglian Water.









11    Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 27th May 2014 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm


The meeting closed at 9:40pm




Chairman’s Signature: ___________________________  Date: _________