Annual Meeting of Charsfield Parish Council

Tuesday 27th May 2014





Present: Cllrs P Holloway, F Moor, J Pedgrift, E Winkworth (Chairman)

Attending: the Clerk and 6 members of the public

Minute numbers and Actions
1       Election of Chairman

Current chairman Cllr Ed Winkworth was unanimously re-elected.


2       Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed by the chairman.


3       Election of Vice-chairman

Current vice-chairman Cllr Ed Winkworth was unanimously re-elected.


4       Apologies: Cllrs D Murray and R Wright, SCC Cllr P Bellfield, SCDC Cllr B Snell, PCSO C Hassler.


5       Declarations of Interest: There were none.


6       Points from the Public

6.1      Village Hall Car Park

In response to a question the Clerk explained that the final cost was £5,000.






7       Minutes of the meeting on 18th March were approved and signed.


8       Matters Arising

8.1      Neighbourhood Plan (NP)

The Clerk had produced notes from the meeting with SCDC representative on 29th April which the chairman read to the meeting. The chairman then reported that at the end of that meeting it was felt that the best course of action was to engage with the SCDC consultation and not produce an NP.


A long discussion ensued during which the Clerk clarified certain matters:

  • The Parish Plan (PP) does not have the same legal status as an NP. The PP is evidence of the wishes of the parish that can be used where appropriate and may influence planning application decisions. An NP would become part of the Local Plan and hence would be part of the rules upon which planning application decisions are made by SCDC, and so is far more influential.
  • The 65 house village core is mentioned as the comparison point for scale and character decisions. This core is used rather than the full property number in the parish as areas outside this core are considered countryside.
  • The 10 to 12 properties mentioned is a very rough estimate, is not a limit in any sense and is not constrained or relative to the village envelope.


It was decided not to vote on whether to embark upon an NP without the full Council being present and a discussion on the uncertainty resources required relative to the unspecified intention of the plan followed.



8.2      Village Hall Car Park

The Clerk reported that after contact from the contractors during the work the Council had made the decision to tarmac an extra area and had negotiated a good rate for the extra work making the total cost to the council £5,000. The Clerk also mentioned the 2 year guarantee on any defects.





























9       Reports

9.1      County Councillor

Cllr Bellfield had sent an annual report, which was left for the annual parish meeting.






9.2      District Councillor

Cllr Snell had intended to send a report but due to technical difficulties it had not arrived.




9.3      Police Report

PCSO Hassler was not present but had sent an annual report, listing 7 reported crimes. A copy will be filed with the minutes.




9.4      Recreation Ground Committee

Tarmacking of the footpaths will now go ahead, starting on the 4th June. The work is to be carried out by the same contractor who did the Village Hall car park.




9.5      Speeding Group

Volunteer representative Martin Lyne (ML) answered an initial question about the wheelie bin stickers plan, saying that influencing speeding this way does not get to the heart of the matter but it does raise awareness of the issue and support those whose role it is to enforce the law in this regard.

He then reported that 3 parishes were going ahead with the plan, Charsfield, Debach and Burgh. Clopton were not as their problem was a section of the B1078 under the national speed limit. Offering to buy the first 100 stickers for Charsfield, ML requested that the Parish Council agree to make a bulk purchase on behalf of the three parishes to get bulk prices. He mentioned that the Clerk had received confirmation that both commit to pay their share of the bill.

Once purchased, the intent is to ask the pub and the garage to allow collection of stickers and a rule sheet, with charity collection boxes should anyone wish to donate something for their stickers. Parishioners will be informed through a note in the Parish Magazine and a letter to residents.

ML thanked Cllr Pedgrift for her assistance in arranging the delivery of the initial letters regarding this plan.


The Council resolved to fund the sticker purchase; not have charity boxes at collection points, due to possible mixed messages; make the bulk purchase as requested; and to start with a purchase of 100 stickers for Charsfield but buy more if required.ML will provide details to the Clerk who will order the stickers.


To answer a question about the PCC Tim Passmore’s public meetings, ML explained that as yet the group did not have sufficient data to approach the PCC but would do so when it was gathered and analysed.


The Chairman thanked ML for his work on this subject and asked him to pass thanks to the whole team.

























10    Planning:

The Chairman listed the permitted planning applications from the agenda and mentioned the application that has gone to appeal.

The Clerk had received notification on the day of the meeting that the appeal against a lack of decision on DC/13/2650/OUT (the 9 house development at the corner of Chapel Lane) had been rejected by the inspector on the grounds of inadequate parking, drainage and recreation infrastructure contribution.




11    Appointment of representatives

Cllr Holloway was confirmed as Village Hall Committee representative.

Cllr Pedgrift was confirmed as Recreation Ground Committee representative.

The request from the school for a representative had not been fulfilled.

The Council is very happy with the work of Martin Lyne and so he was confirmed as Speeding Group representative.


12    Potential Tree Preservation Orders

No suggestions had been received in response to the recent Parish Magazine note. A discussion on recently lost trees came to no conclusion but the item will be kept on the agenda and pursued.


13    Roundels Project

As there had been no developments or correspondence on the subject since the previous meeting the Clerk was asked to chase the matter.






14    Correspondence

The Clerk recommended that as there was no power the request to fund 10 bibles for the school to give to new children was rejected. The Clerk was asked to write a reply suggesting that the Church could fund them.






15    Finance

15.1   Required payments were approved.


15.2   Balance of Accounts as at 14/3/14

Current Account   £      349.45
Active Saver   £    6,345.27
Total   £    6,694.72
Including Village Projects reserve of   £    2,281.23


15.3   The Annual Accounts were approved and signed.


15.4   The Annual Return Accounting Statements were approved and signed.


15.5   The Annual Return Governance Statement was approved and signed.

















16    Any Other Matters of information

It was requested that all Cllrs use “reply all” rather than just “reply” when discussing council matters via email so that all councillors are kept in the discussion.


The Clerk was asked to write to SCC Highways requesting trimming back of two saplings on the B1078 opposite Valley Farm.


The chairman has ascertained the owner of the footpath from the Chapel Hall to the B1078 (discussed under C2014027) and will give details to the Clerk.


Regular maintenance of the hedge along The Street opposite the pub seems to have ceased. The Clerk was asked to raise this with Highways.


The Clerk reported that the mounting tube for the village sign was missing but that it and alternatives (with a generous offer to fund such) were being pursued. The fully restored sign should be remounted within a month.


The Clerk gave 1 months’ notice of resigning his post. The Council agreed to pay the current hourly rate for the Clerk to continue with the current annual audit.






















17    Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 22nd July 2014 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm


The meeting closed at 9:35pm




Chairman’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: _________