Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, 22nd March 2016


            Present:          Councillors Hedger, Pedgrift (Acting Chair), Murray, Moor

                                    Owen Williams, Pam Hembra (Parish Clerk)


            Attendees:      4 Members of the Public


1. Apologies and Approval of Absence  
  Councillors Winkworth (Chair) and Newman


2. Declarations of Interest  
  Councillor Pedgrift declared an interest in the Recreation Ground and Councillor Moor declared an interest in the Village Hall.


3. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th January 2016  
  Minutes were approved and signed by Councillor Pedgrift


4. Matters Arising  
  4.1       Re the letter to the Highways Department in reference to the developers in Chapel Lane leaving a lot of mess which was running down Chapel Lane and causing problems especially with the then current freezing weather as well as the drain from the next door property, a reply was received on 3rd February.  The site had been clean at the time and no mention was made of the water outlet draining directly on to the highway. The Clerk will write to the Highways Department again about the drain.


4.2       There is no further update on the telephone box.  It was suggested the Clerk write a letter to Lewis Marshall, the case officer.


4.3       The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration – The Three Horses were hoping to put something together.  Councillor Pedgrift to get more details.  It was felt the Parish Council could offer some finance towards this.   Suffolk Coast District Council have a street party pack which we will obtain from website.


4.4       Fido Bin – this has now been lowered.


4.5       Christian Hassler has apparently given the yellow vests directly to the families who had requested them before leaving Charsfield as our CSO.


4.6       Appeal decision for the erection of 2 dwellings on land to the rear of Springfield House, Chapel Lane – the reasons given for refusal of the appeal disregarded several references to SCDC core strategy.  It was felt we should use the documents provided for any future appeals.












5. Points from the public – A chance for the public to raise matters of interest relevant to Charsfield


  There had been a change of police areas and when the mobile police van last came to visit a resident had taken the police officers for a tour of the village.  They erected a temporary speed sign until the end of the day which made quite a difference to the speed of traffic during that day.






6. Reports


6.1 County Council

No report was received.


6.2 District Council

No report was received.


6.3 Police  
  There will be no further police presence at meetings but they are hoping to produce a monthly report to be downloaded from their website.


6.4 Recreation Ground  
  The Recreation Ground did not get the Green Spaces Grant – other people had a better case.


7. Speeding


7.1 SAVID Update  
  Martin Lyne – SAVID reported there would be a meeting taking place next Tuesday, 29th March.


Roundels and Gateways – last update by email from Tony Buckingham in January 2016, explaining they had some further designs.


On 28th March it will be one year since the Parish Council formally instructed the Highways department of SCC to go ahead with the works at quoted.  ML tried to contact Peter Bellfield (who has been very ill) to get his support to formally raise the unacceptable levels of delay in Highways carrying out the required work.   ML had written to Dr Dan Poulter asking for an appointment and met with him on 12th February 2016.  He was asked to provide a brief prior to the meeting and this was submitted on 10th February 2016.  Dr Porter had offered his support and was to write to SCC.  ML to follow up as has not heard.  It was suggested ML go through the SCC complaints procedure – as the Parish Council is not allowed to do this.


7.2 SpeedWatch Update  
  No report was received.


The applications of 16 people from the village for basic police security checks had been submitted in October 2015 to Framlingham station but as the areas have changed we are now under Woodbridge and our applications have been passed to Woodbridge.  This means we are now under the same area as all other SAVID villages and this might make progress easier.  They normally send a member of their police force to Parish Council meetings so we are hoping this should now happen.  Our new PCSC is a lady from the Woodbridge organisation.


A Police traffic unit had come to do surveys in Charsfield and stated there are a number of places where the village can set up speed watch ‘stations’ within the village, but it should be noted that there is nowhere on the B1078 that is considered safe for the deployment of SpeedWatch.  This means that for the stretch of the B1078 through the village havingh the most significant speeding issues (as per Police traffic survey of March 2015), enforcement and education on speed can only be carried out by uniformed police.


Mention was made of the Bredfield ‘flashing’ 30mph speed sign.  Bredfield is not part of the SAVID group of villages.  The sign must have received clearance and support from SCC Highways as it is not permissible to site such a sign on the highway without this.  What is unusual is that the sign in Bredfield is positioned in a manner (i.e. distance inside 30mph zone and ‘line of sight’ for vehicle acquisition/speed detection) that the police and SCC Highways had advised Charsfield was necessary, hence it was stated that the system was not suitable for the B1078 in our own village.  It was thought that individuals from SCC Highways and the Police may be confusing ‘guidelines’ with ‘rules’.  On a positive note, the recent sighting of a small flashing 30mph sign in Bredfield showed that it was possible to utilise this simple equipment over short stretches of highway and that it appeared to be effective in slowing traffic.


ML has details of who supplied the Bredfield sign.  They must have received permission from Highways to put the sign up and he will follow up with SCC to see what process was followed to get this done. The named Point of Contact within SCC Highways is Hen Abbott.


Tuddenham have joined SAVID and they have occasional use of a mobile sign.  We need to keep pushing with SpeedWatch, and we should get additional signs for the roads indicating we are in a SpeedWatch village which will help promote speed awareness in drivers.



7.3 B1078 Calming Update  
  There had been no further update from Tony Buckingham since the last meeting.  Based on an estimate by Highways of the time it would take to complete the works, the project is now six months overdue.


Councillors Pedgrift and Hedger recently attended a meeting where they were introduced to the new Assistant Director of Highways, Mark Stevens, who has been employed to try to sort out the Keir problem.  He felt the Keir contract is over specified but that it is a workable contract but no one is enforcing it.


8. Planning:  
  Planning Application DC/16/0774/FUL – Extension to Akenfield, Park Lane

The Parish Council have no objections to this application.


9. Finance


9.1        To authorise payments as listed below:

Cheque No.  100517 – SALC – Training Course – £120

Cheque No.  100518 – Clerk’s Salary and Expenses for Travel to             Training Course


9.2            Proposal for Village Hall Insurance – this was approved in the sum of £887.07


9.3        To note receipt of income as listed below:

Second Precept Instalment 2015/2016 – £2,048.74




10. Defibrillator

CADs were to be asked if they could give their donation to the fund (Councillor Newman to provide details) so the Clerk can to write to Councillor Burroughes again re a grant for this giving our full total collected so far.


11. To Discuss and Adopt Risk Assessment Policy  

The Risk Assessment Policy was to be adopted subject to the following amendments:


Precept:  The Parish Council agreed to set up a Budget Sub Committee to prepare the next year’s budget.


Data Protection:  The Parish Council complies with the 8 principals of the Data Protection Act.


This was proposed by Sarah Owen Williams and seconded by Daphne Murray, all in agreement.


12. To Discuss and Adopt Suffolk Code of Conduct  
  This Code is currently to be updated and the Parish Council will adopt it once the updated version is available.


The Clerk was asked if she could check out the pecuniary interests dispensation granted by council each year and clarify what register of interest means






13. To Discuss and Adopt Transparency Code  

This was proposed by Councillor Pedgrift and seconded by Councillor Hedger, all in agreement.


14. Update from Recent Parish Councillors’ Training  
  –        Clerk to check whether we need a Parish Council specific website or whether we are allowed to use the Village website.


–        A schedule of meetings is to be produced for the whole year


–        The Chair to be asked if he has a copy of the Standing Orders and Finance Regulations


–        Do we need a set of rules for public participation, inviting someone to speak etc – are these in Standing Orders?


–        Year planning –  the clerk will send around a copy of a year plan she has.


–        Clerk was asked to get a copy of Accreditation under Local Council Award Scheme.


–        Does the PC have a grants policy?


–        Data projector – if needed could be hired from SALC


–        It was suggested the Parish Council have a stall at Charfest to make the village more aware of what goes on.  Someone to take photos?


–        Annual Parish Meeting – how do we get people to a meeting?

















15. Flower Show  
  A donation of £20 to be given to the Flower Show


16. Charsfest  
  A donation of £20 to be given to Charsfest for publicity


17. Correspondence  
  Letter from East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices asking for a donation.  The Parish Council prefer not to support outside of the village.


18. Date of Next Meetings  

10th May to include Parish Meeting –  A report for the year will be needed from the Chair.





