Letheringham Candlelit Carol Service Saturday 23rd December 6.30 pm

Dear friends ,
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 23rd December 6.30pm for the annual Candlelit Carol Service at St Mary’s Letheringham. This year Keith Wallace has kindly arranged to bring together volunteer singers from outside the parish, including regulars from the Benefice, Pettistree and Woodbridge choirs’ as the “Letheringham Youth Choir” to enhance the congregation’s singing and to help keep us all in tune.
We hope, fingers crossed, that Christina Raven ( soprano) will sing Once in David’s Royal City (solo)
A warm welcome awaits you and what better way to start the Christmas festivities, as we hope that the service will help us all to recall the true message of Christmas and help to lift everyone’s spirits.
Peace and Love
Terence Carlin on behalf of Letheringham PCC
Mince pies and mulled wine will be served after the service