
Events in Ipswich

Good Morning Charsfield I have copied selected information from a newsletter I receive so some of the links might not work. Any further details can be found on where you can also book for some of the events. If you need further information email me on Jan A feast of free music and

NOT LONG TO GO TO Charsfield Flower Show 2024

Paper copies of the schedule will be available from 3rd June in the church porch and the village hall. An electronic version is available on the village website Charsfield Flower Show – Charsfield Village or via this link: Flower Show schedule

CHARSFEST 2024 – Thank You

CHARSFEST 2024 A BIG THANK YOU from the Charsfield Recreation Ground Committee to all the volunteers and stallholders from the village and those associated with the village for their help at this year’s Charsfest. It was very much appreciated. Although the number of people that attended was down on previous years, this was not unexpected

Charsfest set up – help needed

If you are able to help with setting up for Charsfest please turn up at the Recreation Ground on Thursday 13th at 6.30pm and/or on Friday 14th anytime from 11am onwards.