Flooding Update

Flooding Update

The Parish Council are trying to put together a definitive list of all Highway problems which may have contributed to the flooding last October and/or are likely to contribute to future flooding.

If you are aware of a blocked drain near your home or any other defect that fits the above description, please forward the details to me janpedgrift@btinternet.com stating your

postcode and house number

if you are able: the What 3 words reference

Please do this irrespective of whether you have already reported this on the Highways Reporting Tool or to the Parish Council.

The postcode IP13 7R has recently been included in the gov.uk Flood Warning scheme so you can now sign up to receive flood warnings via text, email or phone. This is for the Rivers Lark & Deben so not specifically for Charsfield but gives an indication of local water levels


Prepare for flooding

The Charsfield Flood Action Group is arranging for sandbags to be available FOR SALE on

12th October. Further details will be issued shortly.

Find out how to protect yourself and your property online:


Prepare a personal flood plan:


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