Dogs on Leads on Charsfield Recreation Ground

Dogs on Leads on Charsfield Recreation Ground

Dogs on leads in the Recreation Ground

The Public Spaces Protection Order that makes it an offence for dogs to be off the lead and not under control in the Recreation Ground is due to expire.  There is a public consultation run by East Suffolk Council and the Parish Council feel everyone should have the opportunity to make their individual decision and input into the consultation if they wish to.  The Parish Council will not be inputting into this consultation.

If you wish to comment please do so by completing the survey following this link:

The consultation will close on 1 February 2025.

For questions about the consultation, please email  

If, after consultation, the PSPO is renewed it will run for three years. If not renewed dogs off the lead will have access to every part of the recreation ground.

There is now a PSPO covering all churchyards in the Local Authority.

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