Wickham Market Flower Club

Wickham Market Flower Club



What a superb turnout, on such a miserable evening, for our first meeting of 2025. June welcomed all members, including three new ones and three guests (potential new members) It was lovely to see so many people ready to enjoy our meeting.

She went on to talk of the tremendous success of the November Open Meeting, and to remind us all, that Subs are now due, and Ann will be happy to accept these. The Flower Arranger magazine is available from Geraldine, and members were also reminded to pass on any news, ideas or photographs to Mandy for inclusion in the April Newsletter.

Tickets for the April Open Meeting will be available at the March Workshop meeting. Finally, June expressed that the Flower Club Committee are now really desperate for additional committee members to help out whilst some members have personal matters to attend to.  Please help the club if you are able at this difficult time.

Our demonstrator for the evening was Rachael Borenkova – “Lets go to the Flower Shop”. Starting with a good-sized hand tied arrangement using Hazel, Honesty Leatherleaf, Aspidastra variegated yew and Pistachio foliage and large bright yellow Chrysanthemums.  Rachael gave us details of how she became a demonstrator. A long journey from a beauty consultant, Florist shop owner to passing her Demonstrators test in May last year.

Her second arrangement was in a basket in an asymmetrical design where she showed us examples of leaf manipulation. Rachael made it look incredibly easy with fast agile fingers. Several different containers including one long log with cut out sections for five arrangements, made by her husband. Chatting about her marriage to a Latvian man and the arrival in quick succession of three children. Some of the customs and traditions of Latvia were very interesting. This is a very busy energetic lady with loads of drive and ambition. She is undertaking a judging course this year as well as everything else. Her arrangements were absolutely delightful. Bright and cheerful, using wonderful foliage. Great textures and colours all made quickly and with secondary arrangements.

What a tremendous start to our Flower Club year.  Our next meeting is at 6.30 for 7pm start, on Thursday 27th February, when our very good friend Roger Woolnough will demonstrate “Spring Selection”.  Guests are always welcome, with the first night FREE. Refreshments, Sales Table and a Raffle.

Do make a date in your diary to join us. You will NOT regret it.

Mandy Pryke

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