Charsfield Annual Parish Meeting

Tuesday 27th May 2014





Present: Cllrs P Holloway, F Moor, J Pedgrift, E Winkworth (Chairman), the Clerk and 6 members of the public.
The meeting commenced at 9:35 following the Annual Parish Council Meeting. 
1       Apologies: Cllrs D Murray and R Wright, SCC Cllr P Bellfield, SCDC Cllr B Snell, PCSO C Hassler.


2       Parish Council Chairman’s Report

The chairman read his report which will be published on the website and filed with the minutes.


3       Suffolk County Council Councillor’s Report

The chairman read Cllr Bellfield’s report which will be published on the website and filed with the minutes.


4       Suffolk Coastal District Councillor’s Report

Due to a technical error Cllr Snell’s report had not been received but will be published on the website and filed with the minutes.


5       Open Discussion

Cllr Holloway thanked Cllr Winkworth for the wonderful job he has done over the last year, in an unenviable position and expressed the general gratitude that he was willing and able to continue as Parish Council Chairman. Cllr Winkworth replied that believes strongly in democracy and runs the Council with that principal in mind, also thanking the Clerk for the support provided through the year.


An area of grass verge opposite the school is no longer maintained as it was and due to its shape is difficult with an ordinary mower. The Clerk will write to SCC Highways requesting they maintain it.


The meeting closed at 9:55pm




Chairman’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: _________