Meeting of Charsfield Parish Council

Tuesday 28th January 2014

in the Village Hall at 7:30pm



1       Apologies


2       Declarations of Interest with regard to items on the agenda (pecuniary and non-pecuniary)


3       Points from the public: a chance for the public to raise matters of interest relevant to Charsfield


4       Approval of Minutes: of meeting on 26th November 2013 and Planning Meeting on 10th December 2013


5       Matters Arising

5.1      Neighbourhood Plan

5.2      Village Hall Car Park


6       Reports

6.1      County Councillor

6.2      District Councillor

6.3      Crime Report: From PCSO Christian Hassler

6.4      Recreation Ground Committee

6.4.1.     Recreation Ground Management Agreement

6.5      Joint village speeding meeting


7       Planning:

7.1      DC/13/3362/FUL – Land rear of Highfield House and South Cottage, Chapel Lane, Charsfield: Erection of two timber sheds, both 5.6m x 5.6m with low pitched roof – permission granted

7.2      DC/13/2650/OUT – Use of land at junction of Chapel Lane and The Street, Charsfield for the construction of 9 dwellings and access road – sent to appeal with changes

7.3      C/13/1201 –  Outline Planning Application for a proposed new 5 bedroom house on land adjacent to Charsfield House, including a proposed new access – refused


8       Flooding

8.1      Drainage under the Chapel


9       Highways

9.1      Roundel (etc.) project funding shortfall


10    Finance

10.1   Approval of required payments

10.2   Balance of Accounts

10.3   Approval of budget and precept


11    Correspondence

11.1   Suffolk Preservation Society request for the Parish Council to join


12    Any Other Items


13    Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 18th March 2014 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm

Please note that this is not the usual fourth Tuesday

M Sims

Parish Clerk

20th January 2014