Meeting of Charsfield Parish Council

Tuesday 18th March 2014

in the Village Hall at 7:30pm



1      Apologies


2      Declarations of Interest with regard to items on the agenda (pecuniary and non-pecuniary)


3      Points from the public: a chance for the public to raise matters of interest relevant to Charsfield


4      Approval of Minutes: of meeting on 28th January 2014 and Planning Meeting on 28th February 2014


5      Matters Arising

5.1     Neighbourhood Plan

5.2     Village Hall Car Park


6      Reports

6.1     County Councillor

6.2     District Councillor

6.3     Crime Report: From PCSO Christian Hassler

6.4     Recreation Ground Committee

6.5     Speeding Group


7      Planning:

7.1     DC/14/0574/FUL – South Cottage, Chapel Lane: Erection of a two-storey rear and single-storey rear extensions. Additional dormer window to front elevation and alteration of existing dormer windows


8      Finance

8.1     Approval of required payments

8.2     Balance of Accounts


9      Correspondence

9.1     Email to Chairman regarding February 28th Planning Meeting agenda

9.2     Charsfield School federation proposal

9.3     Public meeting proposal regarding pre-application planning consultations


10   Any Other Items


11   Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 27th May 2014 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm

M Sims

Parish Clerk

13th March 2014