There will be sandbags available at the village hall from 11.30am to 12 noon today, 18 February. Fran will be there to supervise. Please only collect sandbags if you are in imminent likelihood of flooding. Charsfield Parish Council
I have just put a call into the Environment Agency Floodline to report that Potsford Brook has reached the top of its bank in several places and the roads are flooding. They are going to report to SCC flood authority. Dont know if it will do any good but worth a try. There is
Wickham Market Movies

Meeting of Charsfield Parish Council
Charsfield Parish Council Meeting of the Charsfield Parish Council In Charsfield Village Hall at 7:30 pm on Monday, 22nd January 2024 Members of the public and press are welcome to attend Click Link to see agenda Signed: P J HembraClerk to Charsfield Village Parish Council
Wickham Market Movies
The Great Escaper – Saturday 20 January 2024 at Wickham Market Village Hall Starring Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson, it tells the moving true story of an 89-year-old British World War II Royal Navy veteran who broke out of his nursing home to attend the 70th anniversary D-Day commemorations in France in June 2014 Doors
Wickham Market Flower Club
We’re recycling Christmas trees in your postcode!

Be A Star Appeal Recycle your tree Events We’re inviting you to recycle your real Christmas tree with us – simply donate to support your local hospices! We are proud to be working together again with East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) for Tree-cycling in 2024. We will
Letheringham Candlelit Carol Service Saturday 23rd December 6.30 pm

Dear friends ,We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 23rd December 6.30pm for the annual Candlelit Carol Service at St Mary’s Letheringham. This year Keith Wallace has kindly arranged to bring together volunteer singers from outside the parish, including regulars from the Benefice, Pettistree and Woodbridge choirs’ as the “Letheringham Youth Choir” to enhance the congregation’s singing and to help
Hoo Church Carol Service Christmas Eve 3.00 p.m.