Flooding Update
The Parish Council are trying to put together a definitive list of all Highway problems which may have contributed to the flooding last October and/or are likely to contribute to future flooding. If you are aware of a blocked drain near your home or any other defect that fits the above description, please forward the
I have just put a call into the Environment Agency Floodline to report that Potsford Brook has reached the top of its bank in several places and the roads are flooding. They are going to report to SCC flood authority. Dont know if it will do any good but worth a try. There is
Charsfield Flood Action Group
Charsfield Flood Action Group will also be giving an up to date progress report at the Parish Council Meeting next Monday so if you have any questions please come along. Don’t forget this is not just for people who have been flooded – its about making Charsfield resilient to future occurrences and the subsequent benefits
We Need Your Photos
The Charsfield Flood Action Group is building a comprehensive library of photos and videos and would like everyone’s help – a picture paints a thousand words! Further to the request back in October, we would now like as many photos or videos as possible to add to our collection. If you have not sent any
Floods 2023
Dear Charsfield Residents Further to the email we sent out before Christmas, we would like to remind you that we would really like to hear from every household in Charsfield. The questionnaire is suitable for everyone, whether you’ve been flooded or not. We need to know how you were affected even if you weren’t
Floods 2023
Dear Charsfield Residents Further to the catastrophic flooding in our community, we have formed the Charsfield Flood Action Group. The purpose of this is to ensure we are fully represented when the various agencies decide what, if anything, to do to protect our village in the future. The first step is for us to gather
Charsfield Flood Action Group (CFAG)
PC meeting 20/11/23 Following the devasting flood in Charsfield on the 20th of October 2023 we are in the process of setting up a Flood Action Group affiliated to the National Flood Forum. The intention of CFAG will be to gather information from all those affected by Storm Babet (and the flooding in May) and
National Flood Forum
Please see the following information from the National Flood Forum. (Click the links or scroll the page.) The Charsfield Flood Action Group is currently being set up and will be affiliated to the National Flood Forum.