School Easter Basket Project

The Friends of Charsfield School are hoping to make some Easter baskets with the children as part of an Easter event. If anyone has any baskets they would be willing to donate we would be very grateful.  They can be taken to school directly or I will collect them.  Contact:  Charmaine Jay

Reminder: Christian Aid Coffee Morning 26th March

Christian Aid Coffee Morning                        Charsfield Village Hall                                    Wednesday 26th March – 10am-12noon Please join us for a very special coffee morning when the Charsfield School Choir will be present and singing in preparation for the Big Sing event taking place at the Cathedral in Bury St. Edmunds. As well as a morning of singing and learning more about Christian Aid from the children, all monies raised will go to Christian Aid.  Further information 

Devolution consultation

I have just attended an on line session about the devolution proposals and parish councils have been asked to remind all their parishioners to complete the consultation before the 13th April.  The slides which accompanied the government presentation were the best and shortest explanation of devolution I have seen to date so if any of

Roadworks Alert

St Peters Close, Charsfield, Suffolk 19 March – 21 March Roadworks, Delays unlikely Traffic management: Some carriageway incursion Description: has automatically assigned a category of New Connection to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Anglian Water. Responsibility for works: Anglian Water Current status: Planned work

Quiz Night in aid of Charsfield Recreation Ground

 Richard and Sally would like to thank everyone who supported the Quiz Night in aid of Charsfield Recreation Ground.   We had 14 teams and nearly 70 Quizzers. The results were as follows:  Team Name Total Score We won once somewhere else! 135 Charsfield Charmers 120 Cinabar Barians 119 Close to the Bar 116 Mixed Bunch

Recreation Ground Spring Clean Up

Are you able to spare a couple of hours on Sunday, 23 March between 10 am and noon to help with a Spring Tidy-Up of the Recreation Ground? Any support is much appreciated. If possible, please bring along secateurs, a garden spade or a rake. Thank you. Charsfield Recreation Committee

Guppies looking for a home

Baby guppies need a good home – come and help yourself. Contact or 01473 737701


CHARSFIELD RECREATION GROUND 100 CLUB WINNERS FOR FEBRUARY 2025 1st PRIZE NO 29   – £39 2nd PRIZE NO 41- £19 The minimum annual maintenance cost for the wonderful recreation ground is in the region of £3,500; this is in addition to the many voluntary hours contributed by members of the Charsfield Recreation Ground Committee. Please consider joining the 100 Club, the proceeds of which support the upkeep of the Recreation Field, so that everyone can continue to enjoy the amenities. It costs £12 for a year’s subscription.There is a monthly draw when 50% of 100 Club subscriptions are given in a 1st and 2nd cash prize, paid directly to the winner’s bank account.  All remaining monies go  towards maintenance

Devolution consultation announced today (24 February 2025)

Your chance to comment on the future of Suffolk and how it affects you. Details have just been published today of the government consultation on proposals to create a Mayoral Combined County Authority across Norfolk and Suffolk.  The deadline is 13th April 2025.  The easiest way for you to respond and engage in the consultation

Woodbridge Choral Society: Rossini – 29 March 2025

Tickets are now available for our next concert of Rossini’s Petite Messe Solonelle. You can either order them from Peter Bridle <> or from Ticket Source: Source: Autumn Concert at Snape MaltingsSaturday 01 November 2025 In celebration of the 80th anniversary of the end of World War 2, we plan to present two memorable works at Snape

Charsfield Emergency Plan 2025

A sub group of the parish council will be meeting this Thursday to revise and re-issue the current Charsfield Emergency Plan.  The new version will include a section dedicated to flooding.  A village emergency plan is heavily reliant on volunteers.  If you have any equipment you think might be useful (e.g. generator, pump, 4 wheel