Parish Council meeting 7 May 2013 minutes

Meeting of Charsfield Parish Council
Tuesday 7th May 2013
Present: Cllrs P Holloway, A Reeve, E Winkworth (Chairman), R Wright, the Clerk and 1 member of the public
Minute numbers and Actions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Apologies: Cllrs F Moor, D Murray and J Pedgrift, PCSO C Hassler
C2013001 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Election of Chairman
Cllr E Winkworth was proposed by Cllr R Wright and seconded by Cllr A Reeve. No other nominations arose, so Cllr Winkworth accepted the post and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
C2013002 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Election of Vice-chairman
Cllr J Pedgrift was proposed by Cllr E Winkworth and seconded by Cllr P Holloway. The election was carried but will be ratified in her presence at the next meeting.
C2013003 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 Appointment of Representatives
All representatives are willing to continue so Cllr P Holloway and Cllr Moor will be representatives on the Village Hall committee and Cllr J Pedgrift will be representative on the Recreation Ground committee.
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5 Appointment of New Parish Clerk
Mr Martin Sims was appointed.
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6 Minutes of meetings of 5th March 2013 and 23rd April were approved and signed
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7 Matters Arising
7.1 Grit Bin The bin has been delivered to Mr P Kindred and once sited SCC will fill it. Cllr Winkworth will arrange a time with Mr Kindred to level the site and install the bin.
7.2 Village Hall Car Park Both quotes for the whole car park to be resurfaced, with associated works, were in the region of £7,000 and so the contractors have been asked to quote for two separate patches, one around the entrance and the other where the recycling bins are currently sited. The option of obtaining road planings and having a work party to spread it and using a whack plate to settle it was discussed. The possibility that the lorries emptying the bottle banks were causing damage was mentioned and removal of them will be discussed at the next meeting.
7.3 Bus Service – Charsfield to Wickham Market A regular service is not considered viable. It may be possible for the Suffolk Link service to be utilised. Clerk to investigate.
8 Crime Report: From PCSO Christian Hassler
PCSO Hassler sent a report stating that there were no crimes reported in the Parish since our last meeting. Cllr Winkworth stated that there appears to have been a spate of thefts and burglaries.
9 Finance
9.1 Accounts to be paid
9.2 Accounts paid since last meeting
9.3 Balance of Accounts as at 7/5/13
9.4 Flower Show – financial assistance It was resolved to donate £20 under Section 137.
9.5 Discuss reserve transfer to No. 2 account It was resolved to transfer £800.
9.6 Village road sign maintenance Only one contractor has quoted for the work, quoting £250. Clerk to contact parishioner to ask how much they are willing to contribute.
9.7 NSI signatories The 3 signatories were agreed as Cllrs Pedgrift, Winkworth and Wright. Forms and minutes need to be sent to NSI.
C2013014 Clerk
C2013015 Clerk
EW |
10 Correspondence
Charsfield correspondence via e mail
Village signpost Flower show Election information Rural Opportunities Flood risks News Digest Emergency Planning Community Action APPG Information Councillor training Electoral Review SALC information LAIS 1351
11 Alan Pedgrift Memorial Field
No business was raised.
12 Planning
No business was raised.
13 Highways
13.1 Flooding Mrs Barker, on behalf of the chapel, had requested details of the letter from SCC highways and these have been supplied. The flooding was discussed in detail and it was resolved to request the chapel resolve the issue of a private drain under the chapel land being a smaller bore than its feed drain. The suggestions of financial assistance for the Chapel doing this work and Highways installing a Silt Trap will be discussed at the next meeting. Potsford Brook is, according to the Environment Agency, governed locally under riparian rights meaning that adjacent landowners have a duty to keep the watercourse clear and protect their own land from flooding.
14 Any Other Matters of information
Cllr Winkworth said that this evening was a sad & joyful occasion and thanked Bob Osborne for 11 years of organising, guiding and helping the council out of sticky points, presenting him with some retirement gifts. Bob thanked the council, saying that he’d left four councils already, some regretfully and some with a sense of relief but Charsfield is the only one he’ll truly miss as they made him feel part of the village. He felt he must come back to attend one of Cllr Holloway’s presentations and plans to concentrate on his book on the history of Martlesham and do some voluntary work in Ipswich.
15 Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 23rd July 2013 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm.
The meeting closed at 8:30pm