Phoenix Singers Glory at Christmas Time

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL THERMAL IMAGING PROJECT Helping You Keep Your Warmth In The Suffolk Climate Change Partnership, which is made up of all the Local Authorities in Suffolk, have purchased several thermal imaging cameras which they are loaning out to community groups to carry out surveys in their areas for free. CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL has
In Aid of St Elizabeth Hospice
PC meeting 20/11/23 Following the devasting flood in Charsfield on the 20th of October 2023 we are in the process of setting up a Flood Action Group affiliated to the National Flood Forum. The intention of CFAG will be to gather information from all those affected by Storm Babet (and the flooding in May) and
Tickets will be on sale at the village bar Friday 3 & 17 November – Cash or Card payment Or contact Peter Holloway on 07881941124 or Viviane 07710187570. Email
Jubilee Weekend & CharsFest 2022