Thank you all for taking the time and trouble to complete the Charsfield Traffic Survey. 72 households returned the survey out of a possible 180 and 36% of the village had an issue with road safety.

The analysis of the results is available here:

We are one village – the significant concerns for the majority may not be your own priority so apologies if that is the case.

The main issues identified were

· Speeding,

· Road maintenance including potholes,

· Drain and gully clearance and culverts

· The 2 junctions -Magpie Street with Church Road and Church Road with B1078.

Some of the issues raised can be alleviated by self help measures:

Pedestrian visibility is an issue and the advice would be please ensure you are visible at all times i.e. wear high vis.

Hedges and signs could be improved with some clearing, cleaning and cutting which we can carry out as a community.

The following have been grouped together:

30mph, 20mph, traffic calming, policing of speed and 3/2/1 signs because they are linked to speeding or the prevention of.

With the exception of speeding, the following anomalies were identified;

Road maintenance was high on the list for priorities but lower on specific issues and feeling unsafe; while hedges/visibility and lorries/HGV/commercial vehicles were ranked low on priorities but high on specific issues.

The results were presented at the parish council meeting on 7th May and further discussions will take place at the July meeting to decide what future actions can be taken.

The analysis of the results can be found here:

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