Woodbridge Choral Society’s next concerts
Dear Friend and supporter,
Here are details of our next two concerts:
Rossini Concert at St Mary’s
Saturday 29 March 2025
At St Mary’s Church, Woodbridge:
Rossini – Petite Messe Solennelle
Conductor Andrew Leach
Autumn Concert at Snape Maltings
Saturday 01 November 2025
In celebration of the 80th anniversary of the end of World War 2, we plan to present two memorable works at Snape Maltings – from Ralph Vaughan Williams and Karl Jenkins.
Dona Nobis Pacem – Vaughan Williams produced his plea for peace in 1936 to mark the centenary of Huddersfield Choral Society, using texts from the bible, and including three moving poems by the war poet, Walt Whitman.
The Armed Man – Karl Jenkins: this piece, premiered in 2000, charts the growing menace of descent into war, interspersed with moments of reflection, ending with the hope for peace.
I hope you can come along to one or both of these concerts, particularly our concert at Snape Maltings where we need to fill the hall.
Thank you for your continued support
Kind regards
Peter Bridle