
Thank You

Update from the Recreation Ground January Tidy-Up On behalf of the Recreation Committee, I would like to pass on many thanks to Elizabeth, Simon and Richard for their help in sorting through the two sheds on the Recreation Ground. We are also so grateful to Alan Ward (and his brother, visiting from Australia) for helping

Charsfield Emergency Plan 2025

A sub group of the parish council will be meeting this Thursday to revise and re-issue the current Charsfield Emergency Plan.  The new version will include a section dedicated to flooding.  A village emergency plan is heavily reliant on volunteers.  If you have any equipment you think might be useful (e.g. generator, pump, 4 wheel

Wickham Market Flower Club

WICKHAM MARKET FLOWER CLUB REPORT FOR JANUARY 2025 MEETING What a superb turnout, on such a miserable evening, for our first meeting of 2025. June welcomed all members, including three new ones and three guests (potential new members) It was lovely to see so many people ready to enjoy our meeting. She went on to

Dogs on Leads on Charsfield Recreation Ground

Dogs on leads in the Recreation Ground The Public Spaces Protection Order that makes it an offence for dogs to be off the lead and not under control in the Recreation Ground is due to expire.  There is a public consultation run by East Suffolk Council and the Parish Council feel everyone should have the

Woodbridge Choral Society’s next concerts

Dear Friend and supporter, Here are details of our next two concerts: Rossini Concert at St Mary’sSaturday 29 March 2025 At St Mary’s Church, Woodbridge:Rossini – Petite Messe SolennellePianoHarmoniumSoloists Conductor Andrew Leach Autumn Concert at Snape MaltingsSaturday 01 November 2025 In celebration of the 80th anniversary of the end of World War 2, we plan to present two