Dear Charsfield Residents Further to the catastrophic flooding in our community, we have formed the Charsfield Flood Action Group. The purpose of this is to ensure we are fully represented when the various agencies decide what, if anything, to do to protect our village in the future. The first step is for us to gather
Bin Collection Calendar for 2024

I am pretty sure this covers the whole of Charsfield but don’t have dates for Dallinghoo or Debach. You can check your individual postcode via the following link: Jan
Free NHS funded Online mindfulness Course

CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL THERMAL IMAGING PROJECT Helping You Keep Your Warmth In The Suffolk Climate Change Partnership, which is made up of all the Local Authorities in Suffolk, have purchased several thermal imaging cameras which they are loaning out to community groups to carry out surveys in their areas for free. CHARSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL has
Charsfield Flood Action Group (CFAG)
PC meeting 20/11/23 Following the devasting flood in Charsfield on the 20th of October 2023 we are in the process of setting up a Flood Action Group affiliated to the National Flood Forum. The intention of CFAG will be to gather information from all those affected by Storm Babet (and the flooding in May) and
Charsfield C of E Primary School


Stretch & Tone

Village Hall Bar Open Every 2 Weeks!

The Charsfield Village Hall Bar is currently open every two weeks – join us for a drink and (optional!) table tennis. See here for details. Next dates: Friday 1st, 22nd December 7pm to 10pm